Safety Incident Reporting Cards

Taking Our Safety Seriously


If you are involved in a safety incident, you should follow the protocol for reporting workplace injuries:

  1. If your situation is life threating – Call 911 and/or Go to the Emergency Room. Once your situation is stable and no longer life threatening, you should call Medcor and your Sirius AM (account manager) to start the reporting process.
  2. If your situation is not life threating, you should call Medcor as indicated on the safety card.  
  3. Medcor is our 24/7 Injury Triage Program that is used nationally to manage our worksite safety incidents. 
  4. Please provide Medcor with the following information:
  • Your legal name and social security #
  • Your employer is Sirius Technical Services, Sirius Staffing, or Sirius Workforce. Please provide to Medcor.
  • Your worksite is the name and address of the site you perform your work duties. If the location of your injury was not at this worksite, please provide the location of where your incident occurred.
  • Details of your safety incident or injury, including witnesses, and any other employees that were involved.
  • Medcor will review your safety incident and give you directions to self-treat, or send you to a medical facility to be seen by a nurse/physician.  If you are sent for evaluation, you will be required to take a post incident drug and alcohol screening.
  • Please contact your Sirius Account Manager listed on your safety card.  Please leave a voice mail, text message, and email with a summary of your safety incident along with the Case Number you were assigned by Medcor.
  • Do Not report back to work until you have been given clearance from your Sirius AM and/or a representative of Sirius Technical Services to return to the worksite.


Once an incident has been reported, it will be thoroughly investigated by our safety committee to determine the cause and appropriate actions to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. We encourage all employees to actively participate in reporting incidents to help identify any areas where improvements may be needed.

In addition, we provide ongoing safety training and education to all employees to ensure that best practices are being followed and that everyone is aware of potential hazards and risks within the workplace.

We urge all employees to take safety seriously and to prioritize their own safety as well as that of their colleagues. By working together and reporting any incidents promptly, we can continue to maintain a safe and productive workplace for everyone.

Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to our safety processes.